Essential Information for those who reside outside Kenya

Organized tours offer a thrilling and well-supported way to explore the country on two wheels. The two main airports for International travel are Nairobi and Mombasa.  In most cases our rides / excursions to the start of the ride are from Nairobi.   However, before embarking on your Kenyan Cycling Odyssey, here’s a guide to essential information.

Vaccinations and Health:

  • Consult a travel clinic: Visit a travel clinic well in advance of your trip (at least 1 month) for vaccinations based on your health history and the intended areas you’ll cycle through. Common recommendations include:
    • Routine vaccinations (measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc.)
    • Hepatitis A & B
    • Typhoid
    • Yellow Fever (may be required for entry)
  • Malaria Prophylaxis: Discuss antimalarial medication with your doctor, as malaria is present in some parts of Kenya.
  • Travel Health Insurance: Obtain comprehensive travel health insurance covering medical evacuation in case of emergencies.

Immigration & Customs Requirements:

    • Visa: Check your country’s visa requirements for Kenya. Most nationalities can acquire an e-Visa online beforehand.
    • Passport: Ensure your passport has at least 2 blank pages and 6 months of validity beyond your travel dates. 
    • Additional Documentation: Verify with your chosen tour operator if any additional documents are required for the specific ride.
  • Electronic Travel Authorization

Kenya eTA is a semi-automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to Kenya. You must apply for it at least 3 days before you travel, it is valid for 90 days. To apply:

    • Visit www.etakenya.go.ke
    • Click “Apply Now” and follow the instructions
    • Submit the application
  • An e-mail confirming your application and receipt will be sent to you.  
  • Customs: If you are arriving with a brand new bike or equipment, you may be charged duty.  It is advisable to ride your bike a few times before entering the country. To ease exit, please come with the receipt from when you bought your bike, or an image of the receipt. 

Altitude Matters:

Be aware of Kenya’s varied terrain and its impact on cycling:

  • Nairobi: Starting high (over 5,000 ft/1,500 m), allow yourself time to acclimatize before hitting the trails.
  • Rift Valley: Popular routes often involve climbs and descents within the Rift Valley, with significant elevation changes.
  • Mountainous Areas: Rides in regions like Mt. Kenya offer spectacular scenery but involve challenging climbs and high-altitude cycling.

Plan for Acclimatization:

  • Gradual Ascent: Plan your itinerary with your tour operator to allow for gradual ascent as you move between different elevations. This helps your body adjust to reduced oxygen levels and prevents altitude sickness.
  • Listen to Your Body: Stay hydrated, take rest breaks, and be mindful of potential altitude symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or nausea.

Additional Tips from Tour Experts:

  • Climate: Research the weather patterns for your specific cycling region and time of year. Pack accordingly, including rain gear if necessary.
  • Sun Protection: Kenya’s strong equatorial sun shines even in cooler regions. Pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.
  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial. Carry sufficient water and rely on your tour’s support vehicle for refills.
  • Support & Safety: Opt for tours with experienced guides and a support vehicle for mechanical issues, fatigue, or changing weather conditions.
  • Cultural Awareness: Be respectful of local customs and traditions. Learn basic greetings in Kiswahili if possible.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Embrace the cultural encounters, breathtaking scenery, and the camaraderie with fellow cyclists.

Final Notes:

This information is a general guide. Always consult your doctor for personalized health advice, refer to official government websites for immigration requirements, and contact your chosen cycling tour operator for specific details and recommendations based on your chosen itinerary.

With careful planning and informed preparation, your Kenyan cycling adventure with an organized tour is sure to be an unforgettable experience!

Should you need logistical / hotel assistance before or after your ride, just ask, we will be happy to help where we can.